

So ive begun to start on my very first attempt at working on a NES horror themed action adventure game titled "Dead Pixels". I'll update with more info on the game and show WIP pics. But as for now must get back to work


Yes, I Screamed Like A Girl.

Well I Just Finished Up Playing Nightmare House 2. And Lets Just Say It Was Fucking Amazing I Suggest Everyone With Half-Life Episode 2 To Download This Fucking Game It Blows The First One Outta The Water...


Not feeling so great today. Everything has sorta taken its toll.Wish i had a job. Wish i had a life that didn't revolve around all this fucking filler. Btw Tales From The Crypt Is Amazing......


Anal Cat?

A Few Updates On Some Art...
Burn The Evidence Website Layout.

Chemical Death

Not A Significant Source Of Calories

Well Its 2:18 And Im Still Playing GTA: Chinatown Wars lol. Also Ive Started Designing The Rough Idea Of Burn The Evidence Logo. And Of Course With My Luck None Of The Jobs I Applied For Have Called Back. Sorta Wish I Could Sleep But Im Wide Awake And Have Zero To Do. I Really Have Nothing Interesting Or Important to Say.....I Am Not A Significant Source Of Calories....So Do Not Expect This To Feed Your Intellect Any further Cause It's All Pointless.

Burn The Evidence Rough Draft


The Morning Has Arrived

So i guess losing my job wasn't the worst thing after all. Kinda glad i'm away from it for awhile. It's funny how the entire time i was working i bitched about working now i'm bitching cause i'm not lol. Oh well things still suck but aren't as bad as it could be. The music is still coming out at a slow trickle as well as any art. Kinda stuck in this rut of not wanting to do anything at all really, just relax and sit back and observe everything. hopefully can get to go visit my brothers down in WV in the next coming weeks. i should probably be applying for jobs....but sadly Pixel Junk Monsters Deluxe Online on PSP is far more interesting. Well thats it for now.

Slowly But Surely

Working On Putting Up All My Demos And Songs As Fast As I Can So Stick Around For More.